Credits & Acknowledgements

This project was made possible by the generous support of NYU Libraries, especially Dean H. Austin Booth, and our many esteemed colleagues, past and present, who lent their voices to this work, including:  

William Owens
Nickeisha Pencil
Pablo Perez
Charlotte Priddle
Alex Provo
Alla Roylance
Jasmine Sykes-Kunk
Margaret Smith
Scott St. Martin
Michael Stoller                      
Arthur Tannenbaum
Kimberly Tarr
Michelle Thompson Gumbs
Toni Urbano
Kent Underwood
Matthew Wise
Katie Wissel
Enrique Yanez

Camelia Anghel

Carol Arnold Hamilton

Willie Bruno

Deborah Caesar

Angela Carreno

Ty Crawley
Jonathan Duong                        
Hadeer Elsbai

Jane Excell

Maham Hasan

April Hathcock

Dan Hickey

Spiro Karantzalis

Beth Katzoff

Nora Lambert 

Bill Maltarich

Laurie Murphy

Shannon O'Neill

We are also grateful to the many librarians and library workers from around the globe who have participated in our recording sessions and open calls, including the many volunteers of the League of Awesome Librarians

Thank you to Jenni Rodda and Kimberly Tarr for assistance with archival media for our sculptures and to Special Collections, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries for use of their vintage library posters. 

Thanks to William Owens for selecting and preparing an original catalog record for our display, to Bill Maltarich for selecting and preparing a library database license for our display, to Adam Finchler for playing & recording Bach’s “Crab Canon” on guitar, and to Emily Drabinski and the CUNY Graduate Center Mina Rees Library for loaning vintage library supplies for the exhibit. 

Special thanks to Charlotte Priddle for access to NYU Libraries Special Collections, and to Allison Chomet and Danielle Nista for helping us record the sounds of old books, Scott Greenberg for assistance with the Avery Fisher Center installation, Shawn Jacobus, Facilities Director of Bobst Library, and Steven Tannutjahya, Jamie Cavallo, and Jane Lee in the NYU Libraries Budget Office.

Angie Atmadjaja, Nir Arielli, Vanja Celebičic, Rodrigo Cortina de la Lama, Anne-Katrine Hansen, Hwa Young Jung, Rosa Karim, Rafael Sanchez, Takashi Tateoka, Andrew Wong, Akiko Yanagimoto: thank you as well for sharing your voices and kindly responding to requests for whispers and thinking sounds.

Finally, we send our utmost gratitude to Cardamom Beagle, A.M.’s service dog, who faithfully and quietly sat through each and every interview, recording, and editing session without making a sound. Rest in peace.

Additional Project Credits

Identity Design
Inaiah Lujan / Trulu Design

Video Documentation

Nora Lambert

Project Administration, Finance, & Website
A.M. Alpin

Sound Mixing & AddT’L Sound Design
Michael Cacioppo Belantara

infinity Drafting & Vector Design
Sylviane Sherwin